
Showing posts from November, 2020

Internal assesment 16/11/2020 Internal assesment to the questions asked in the above blog spot. First case: 1) "55 year old male patient  came with the complaints of  Chest pain since 3 days Abdominal distension since 3 days Abdominal pain since 3 days and decreased urine output since 3days and not passed stools since 3days a) Where are the different anatomical locations of the patient's problems and what are the different etiologic possibilities for them? Please chart out the sequence of events timeline between the manifestations of each of these problems and current outcomes. 1)a)Anatomical :abdominal distension chest pain (epigastrium as mentioned in HOPI) suggests pancreas and or upper GIT  Decreased urine out put : kidneys   Pancreatitis causing severe pre renal AKI (Third space loss : in our patient third space loss is due to pancreatitis SIRS )