Medical leave= NA

Casual Leave=0

Daily one liner logs:

15th may 2020: pleural tap of 65yr old male patient with moderate left sided pleural effusion
16th may : 2d echo done for the same patient to see whether there was a heart failure secondary to CKD
17th may : Sunday patients follow up with rounds
18th may : During RCT of imatinib in CML discussed about our 50 yr old male patient with ?leukaemoid reaction
19th may : OPD Duty day
20th may : Discussed Nerve conduction studies of our 22 yr old male with paraperesis
21st may : Internal Capsule anatomy and fibres
22nd may :  Endoscopic guided biopsy of our 50 yr old male with ?cholangiocarcinoma
23rd may: statins in preventing recurrent stroke
24th may: sunday rounds followed
25th may: follow up of our cholangiocarcinoma patient with surgery people
26th may: OPD duty day
27th may: Discussed about diarrhoea with metabolic acidosis
28th may: case presentation of 18yr old male with AIDP
29th may: review literatureSteroids efficacy in GBS
30th may : Interpretation of nerve conduction studies in our 18yr old male GBS
31st may: sunday regular rounds of amc and ward patients.


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